Like most holiday destinations, Benidorm has its share of scam-artists.
And their favourite targets are British Tourists – One con man admitted to us…
“The British are the easiest targets because they are so polite and they don’t like to offend us!”
And this is absolutely true – when it comes to dealing with expert con-men, we Brits are hopeless!
Even when we know that we are being had – we still find it hard to get mean and tell the con-men to shove off!
So our best tactic is to avoid the scam-artists and the con-men altogether.
These guides will help you to be forewarned!
Please read them – they could save you a LOT of money!
If you visit Benidorm you WILL encounter these scam-artists, and if you don’t know how to react, you will be conned!
The most popular scams in Benidorm are:-
The Benidorm Camera Scam The Currency Exchange Scam Free Excursion Scams
Jet-Ski Scams The Shell Scam Timeshare Scams Fake Ticket Scams
You may also be interested in Benidorm Crime
Hi, I lived in Thailand for 17years. I had a bar in Pattaya and i met every type of scam artist you could possibly imagine. I had whisky runners from Cambodia. I had beer guys from Malaysia. They never stopped coming.It was wonderful years. Even the the Indian guys that would come in the bar and tell me i had a lucky face.I even had guys who would show me the gun they had secreted under
their shirt,and try and get protection money out of me. Luckily enough i had a friendly policeman who looked after us for 2000 baht a month.So,the pea men in Benidorm,are learners. I know their tricks.