Fake ticket scams are not very common in Benidorm – but you should be on your guard nonetheless. Beware of anybody selling tickets on the streets to ANYTHING – but particularly watch out for people trying to sell you cut price tickets to Benidorm Palace. They could well be fakes – and totally worthless.
The same applies to excursions, boat trips, coach trips, etc. Some sellers may have some kind of fake ID to help convince you that they are genuine – but don’t be fooled. If you want to see a show at Benidorm Palace, or any other venue – book online using a credit card, or book via your hotel reception desk, or go direct to the venue and buy your ticket there.
The same applies to boat trips etc – book direct with the company running the trip – usually at the marina.
Excursions can be booked via your hotel or holiday rep – Beware of “free excursions“. You may also be approached by people trying to sell you reduced price entry to some clubs. Or guaranteed entry to the best and busiest clubs in high-season (“Save you having to queue up outside!“) Again, it is safer to say no. Even in high season it is better to queue up than to waste your money on a fake ticket!
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