The most common crimes in Benidorm are…
Bag snatching, theft from cars, burglary, pick-pocketing, passport theft.
You may also encounter drunken behaviour – mostly involving British tourists!
Never leave anything valuable in a parked car. And even when you are driving – make sure that the boot is locked. Thieves on motorcycles sometimes open car boots in traffic jams, grab what they can and speed away. Keep your bag, purse, camera etc securely attached to your person.
Some thieves may try to snatch your valuables as they pass you on a motorcycle or in a car – and then speed away.
Direct, confrontational mugging is rare – but it sometimes happens to elderly and more vulnerable people.
Spanish pick-pockets are among the best in the world – so take extra care with your possessions in crowded places (markets, buses, trains etc are favourite hunting grounds). Be suspicious if any stranger engages you in conversation – they may simply be distracting you while an accomplice steals your stuff! And trust me, they are incredibly good at it!
Don’t leave valuables in your hotel room (except in the room-safe) even if you are on the 20th floor! Spanish burglars are very resourceful – and they don’t appear to be afraid of heights!
Benidorm also has its share of con-men and scam artists – see Benidorm Scams for more information.
Fortunately, violent crimes, rape, and murder are extremely rare.
Read our guides on what to do if you are:
Victim of a crime in Benidorm?
Arrested in Benidorm?
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